How to use Crystals in yoga and meditation with The Holistic Hamper

We at Purusha care about how we can elevate our wellbeing both physically and holistically. As we discover more about the power of crystals we were intrigued to find out if they could help with mindful practices. We caught up with crystal expert and owner of The Holistic Hamper, Sally Murray. Here she shares how crystals can support and enhance yoga and meditation practice.

Today, modern life can be a whirlwind of endless tasks and responsibilities, often leaving us with little time for ourselves.   Amidst such frantic lives the ancient practices of yoga and meditation are increasingly a way many bring peace and stillness back into their lives, if only for a short time.  Such practices helping us on a path to self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.

Yoga, a sacred art, and science that dates back thousands of years, invites us to embark on a harmonious journey between the body and the mind. Through posture, breath control, and mindfulness, yoga becomes a gateway to physical strength, flexibility, and a profound sense of well-being.  Meditation beckons us on a journey inward and through meditation, we discover the power of the present moment, a space where worries fade, and our true selves can shine.

Incorporating crystals into your meditation or yoga can enhance your practice by amplifying your intentions, promoting focus, and deepening your connection with your body and mind. Here's how you can practically integrate crystals into your meditation and yoga routines:


Choose the Right Crystal: Select a crystal that resonates with your meditation goal. For example, Amethyst promotes relaxation and spiritual growth, while Clear Quartz enhances clarity and amplifies intentions.

Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet and comfortable space for meditation. Place the chosen crystal or crystals directly in front of you, on a table or selenite plate. 

Hold or Place the Crystal: Hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your body, such as on your lap or near your heart. Feel its energy and focus your attention on its properties.

Set Intentions: As you meditate, set your intentions, and visualise the crystal's energy aligning with your goals. Breathe deeply and let the crystal's vibrations guide your meditation.

Chakra Alignment: If you're working with specific chakras, place the crystal on the corresponding chakra during your meditation to balance and energize that energy centre.


Pre-Practice Intentions: Choose a crystal that aligns with the intention of your yoga practice. For instance, Rose Quartz can enhance self-love and compassion, while Black Tourmaline can offer protection from negative energies and grounding.

Mat Placement: Before starting your yoga routine, place the crystal on your mat, ideally at the top of your mat where your head rests during Savasana (final relaxation).

Incorporate the Crystal: During your yoga poses, you can hold the crystal in your hand or place it on specific body parts, such as your heart during heart-opening poses or your forehead during balancing poses.

Visualisation: As you flow through your practice, visualise the crystal's energy flowing through your body. Imagine its qualities enhancing your poses and breath.

Savasana Enhancement: During Savasana, place the crystal on your forehead or hold it in your hand. Allow its energy to deepen your relaxation and connection to the present moment.

Here's a few more crystals you can try out and maybe include in the future.


  1. Selenite: Place Selenite near you during meditation for its cleansing and purifying properties. It can help clear your mind and create a serene atmosphere.

  2. Lepidolite: If you're seeking stress relief and emotional balance, hold Lepidolite in your hand. Its calming energy can assist you in achieving a tranquil state of meditation.

  3. Citrine: For manifesting abundance and positivity, hold Citrine and visualise your intentions. Its vibrant energy can help amplify your affirmations.

  4. Hematite: Hematite is a grounding crystal that can help you feel rooted and stable during your meditation. Hold it in your hand or place it on your Root Chakra.

  5. Fluorite: Use Fluorite to enhance mental clarity and focus during meditation. Its soothing energy can guide you into a deeper state of mindfulness.


  1. Amazonite: Place Amazonite on your throat chakra during poses that involve self-expression and communication. It can encourage authentic communication and self-confidence.

  2. Tiger's Eye: Carry Tiger's Eye in your pocket or place it on your mat for grounding and balance. Its energy can support stability during balancing poses.

  3. Moonstone: Moonstone's feminine energy can be placed on your sacral chakra during hip-opening poses. It's associated with creativity and emotional healing.

  4. Blue Lace Agate: Enhance your practice of peaceful and calming poses, such as Savasana, by placing Blue Lace Agate on your chest. It can help you tap into tranquillity.

  5. Green Aventurine: Place Green Aventurine on your heart chakra during heart-opening poses. It's a stone of compassion and can amplify the energy of love.

  6. Pyrite: Incorporate Pyrite into your practice for increased vitality and motivation. Its energy can help you stay energised and focused during your yoga routine.

Remember, the key is to listen to your intuition. If a crystal feels right to you, incorporate it into your practice. Cleanse your crystals regularly to keep their energy pure, and constantly experiment with different crystals to discover which ones resonate with you the best. 

Crystals can serve as beautiful and supportive companions on your journey of meditation and yoga.

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